Bracket Pro Serie® 25 – HD
Mounting System For ZOLL X Series Defibrillator

Technimount’s Bracket Pro Serie® 25 – HD (Heavy Duty) mounting system is designed to give you fast and flexible access to the ZOLL X Series defibrillator during emergency transport. Made with a higher resistance anodized aluminum. When combining a Technimount Bracket Pro Serie® with a Technimount Surface Base, Stretcher System or Wall Mount, one can safely and rapidly move their medical devices from one place to another where it is need.

Product highlights

  • Certified for high-impact resistance as per SAE J3043 standards
  • Allows complete access to medical device at all times
  • Resistant to biological fluids and sodium
  • Designed to withstand demanding EMS environment
  • Constructed using high-resistance aluminum protected by a 50-micron anodized coating for durability

Designed for

  • Stretchers
  • EMS Vehicles
  • Ambulances
  • Air Ambulances
  • Military Vehicles

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